Mechanisms to Earn XP
Refer a Friend
Reward: 2000 XP
Condition: The new Solsniffer member must connect their wallet through your referral link.
Scan New Tokens
Reward: 100 XP
Condition: Be the first to scan a token to receive XP on new tokens scanned.
Discover Risk Tokens
Reward: 100 XP
Condition: When scanning a new token, receive XP for discovering a tokens with medium or high risks.
Identify Issues
Reward: 20 XP
Condition: When scanning a new token, receive XP for each issue identified with your scan.
XP Earned by Referrals
Reward: 1 XP for each 1 XP earned by the referral
Condition: Earn as much XP as your referral earns.
Multiply XP Earnings With Badges
NFT Badges
Each badge gives a boost on XP earnings. Per example, scanning a new token for 100 XP will give 1000 XP if you own the Submariner NFT Badge.
The boosts are cumulative, owning the Submariner and the Cruiser will result in a 22x boost on XP earnings (10x + 12x = 22x). The maximum multiplier is 52x.
Submariner: 10x
Cruiser: 12x
Carrier: 14x
Aviator: 16x
Last updated